Monday 11 February 2013

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Tuesday 15 January 2013


i become unwell in the dizzying bright of weary day;
tired night
i am a plague of disease
a promise of death
and i writhe in the pity of a man,
in the scorn of nature,
in regrets i can't understand.
i am unwell in this living -
in the brutality of life
the distant fortune of rest

Saturday 5 January 2013


 self portrait 1

 self portrait 2

 self portrait 3

Tuesday 11 December 2012


spread open so wide that i could absorb you and
you took me with those fiery eyes
and teeth like dogs
and now i fray and bleed until i am empty and my skin will be
yours then;
yours soon

. . .

i have poisoned the earth between us like you have sunk your teeth
and maybe there is nothing left to say but i have so much still to show you,
to try to make you understand

. . .

i am soil rotting beneath the earth
you can't touch me here
sickness hanging overhead
always so sorry

. . .

sleep prince, sleep now
rest and know my promise
until i can wait no longer
until i begin to fray

Friday 7 December 2012

Tuesday 4 December 2012